Who is Bene Factres?

Mrs. Malaprop meets Fr. Maciel in this very punny page for the Enlightened English speaker with a good command of Mexican and Legion/Regnum Christi life

Saturday, June 18, 2011

4] Where is Father Anthony Bannon?

I am still very concerned about the whereabouts of the father and have had to do a lot of researching into recent communications of the top echelons cadgers of the Legion to see if I could find father's name but Helas as Hercule Poirot says I found a bunch of other names that were not his and most disturbing is that i found a flamenco father in Padre Antonio's place, un tal Julio Marti as the great Spanish writer said in a hundred years of solicitude

"Signed today, March 25, the solemnity of the Annunciation of Our Lord. Through the intercession of his Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, may the Lord grant us the grace to enter ever more deeply into the mystery of the Love of God made man, and to live and share it with renewed fervor.

Fr Álvaro Alvarito Babyface Corcuera, LC, general director

Fr Luis Loosy Goose Garza, LC, vicar general

Fr Francisco Paco el Loco Mateos, LC, general counselor

Fr Michael the Bikal Ryan, LC, general counselor

Fr Joseph wearing the Burtka, LC, general counselor

Fr Evaristo Sade Sada, LC, general secretary

Fr José Mack the Knife Cárdenas, LC, territorial director for Chile and Argentina

Fr José Manuel El Vasco Otaolaurruchi, LC, territorial director for Venezuela and Colombia

Fr Manuel Lord of the Rings Aromir, LC, territorial director for Brazil

Fr Rodolfo Valentino Mayagoitia, LC, territorial director for Mexico and Central America

Fr Leonardo the Brazilian coach Nuñez, LC, territorial director for Monterrey

Fr Scott Free Reilly, LC, territorial director for Atlanta

Fr Julio The Poet Martí, LC, territorial director for New York

Fr Jesús María y Jose Delgado, LC, territorial director for Spain

Fr Jacobo Zablodovski Muñoz, LC, territorial director for France and Ireland

Fr Sylvester Heereman, alias Stallone, territorial director for Germany and Central Europe"



  1. What about father Devlin, Maciels personal body guard...... where is he? Why has his name NEVER been mentioned???????


  2. irishmexican43, seen you before on exlc blog... John Lennon. Will those who covered for MM ever come to justice... in this world?

    EX3GF mafalda12b
