Who is Bene Factres?

Mrs. Malaprop meets Fr. Maciel in this very punny page for the Enlightened English speaker with a good command of Mexican and Legion/Regnum Christi life

Monday, August 31, 2020

ENGLISH-MEXICAN readers, BENE IS BACK AGAIN AFTER A LONG HI ATE US! ENGLIS-MEXICAN BLOG, Your favorite Spanglish author translator cantaor and escribidora aprobada por la Real Academy Espanyola

"Sí, soy you", as they say in Mexico lindo y querido. I learned all my Spanglish from my rebelde son, Romeo, who is currently porotesting in the Agustín Barrios of Kenosha, Whisk-on-Sin

 Así son las cosas as my husband, Mr. Solano, used to say in his best Paraguayan Spanish when he was the dictator of Paraguay, back in the day.

In his latter days, as you can see from the image, he had to ganarse la vida in Asunción playing in the city square facing the Church of Santa María de Jesús.

Sic transit gloria mundi as they used to say at the Vatican (threw in a bit of Latin to show I was educated by the Legionaries of Christ, the Mexican dis-order that vies with the Jesuits for the most vocations and riches and with the Opus Dei for the best recruiting methods).

Haste la vista, babies!