Who is Bene Factres?

Mrs. Malaprop meets Fr. Maciel in this very punny page for the Enlightened English speaker with a good command of Mexican and Legion/Regnum Christi life

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bene Factress of the Legion of Christ

One of my favorite Legionaries who is no longer a Legionary but has not officially left because he....I know your understand what I am trying to say

Dear throngs of followers I about to lunch a book with a collection of our conversations from the Internet but it will not be on the Internet but in the written books form as this is what has been decreed by my Higher Power at Alexandria City Distrinct Court when it was decided democratically to take down my forum for expression the exlegionaries.com discussion page which formerly gave a voice to the voiceless, a home to the homeless, and some backbone to the backbroken.

Please pray the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary for the cause of my book which I am postumously publishing through my son, Romeo Lynch Solano with one of the most famous and fabulous publishing house of sand and fog -a great movie by the way to open our minds to other cultures and overcome our prejudices about foreign people especially those from the Middle East which seem to be getting the short end of the stick in the media over the past few years because we are wont (a fancy word I learned from a retreat I took with Fr. Anatolio Mammon) to generalize to our convenience but I am running out of time as I have to finish the Luminosity Mysteries of the Holy Rosary before laying down my wiry body.
Buena Snoches, everyone

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving from Bene Factress

A picture of me- in the middle- with my my Swiss front-runners and a couple of American Tourists.

I want to to take this belated opportunity to wish all a Happy Thanksgiving 2010, a Advantagious Advent and Christfilled Christmas as I take a break from my numerous activities. My son Remus is still in Iraq or Iran, I cant remember which, and doing his bit for God and country, withou or without gratitude and recognition from the US government and the generalized public which has lost a lot of its original interest, vehemence and animosity with which we were led into battle by our fearsome leaders who started off on the Wild Bin Laden Goosechase which has proved fruitless up to this moment and thousands of people have been killed maybe only in the Light of Eternity and God can we fathom the depths of these grave events leading to some many graves and so many lives aborted and mutilated physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, suicidally and homicidally as I say Only God Knows what to make of this terrible muddle we got ourselves into which seems to have no end and for which American political parties will blame each other until the end of time. Romeo has given up on his protests in  front of the White House and it is not because there is a Black man in there no it is because they have put up all these barriers and no safe havens for those who want to express their opposition to recklessness endangerment of human lives nor is the American public interested in hearing about the fate of foreigners in the Middle East unless they are Jews or Palestinians...and even that is pretty weak...

Friday, October 8, 2010

How Fr. Maciel Made a Baby!

thank you very much for visiting this hollowed place one more time again and clean snippets of indispensible informatica that can be life saving and salvivick -influenced by my command of the Cervantes Spanglish and by my Biblical History of Salvation Studies at Mother Angelica's station with Fr Rollo but today i would like to drag your attention to a couple of scurrillillous comments made on another blog regarding how Fr Maciel created the babies that came his way Providentially by the power of the Holy Spirit. I refer them untarnished for your purusal and for you to vent you holy indignation at the writers who are hiding behind a veil of enmity as they launch their barbaras at this innocent soul: [please try to distinguish the real reasons from the falsetto ones]

"He had one too much" -a female one

"He carried a plate in his head
He had a plate in his brain
He was Jekyll and Hyde
The Devil made him do it
He had too much love
He was against in vitro fertilization
He was against condoms and artificial birthcontrol
His generativity was too strong [see C. Jung's stages of development) "

"Stories I heard: MM had a brain injury MM had a multiple personality disorder MM was taken advantage of while unconscious in the hospital Where grace abounds (MM was so full of grace) sin abounds more (satan attacked MM more than anyone else precisely because he was so holy) "

By Anonymous on How Fr. Maciel Made a Baby at 9:21 AM

Monday, October 4, 2010

Latest Down & Dirty from Bene

forgive the self portrait

hello to all my numerous followers of this blog who take time out from their busy schedules and hacneyed phrases to read my important and transcendental massages from my cubby hole in the secret space of One Flew Over the Cuckholds Nest as the Vatican continues to investigates the shambolic situation of my alma mater THE LEGION OF MACIEL AND REGNUM RICE CRISPIES the object of my devotion and almsgiving during many years as my sons took up their opposite causes in the chaos caused by a certain person i cannot name for fear of repatriation being bludgeoned to a Pulp Fiction by those who have branded me a bad American for calling a spade a spade and a major cop up that caused thousands of deaths in countries that begin with the letters A and I; our noble soldiers risking life and limb and all for what? "All for Hecuba" as Hamlet laments but I better get off my Soap Opera for fear the hatemongers in the name of God and [self] righteousness come after me with their baseball bats, hunting rifles and knives and their hoods in both senses of the word

Monday, August 9, 2010

Carta de Nuestro Padre llega al miembro de un Regnum Christi/ Nuestro Padre Letter in Spanish

The ever paternal sollicitation of Fr. Maciel

Dear Queridos and Queridas,

A veteran Regnum Christi member working on his Counseling Studies at Mater Miserias Training Center in Road Island Female Seminary is overjoyed to have received a letter from Nuestro Padre himself on the occasion of his passing NBCC exam. I feel so privileged to be part of this privileged information... Let me give you my two sense of the repercussions....

Un antiguo Regnum Christi nos informa que ha recibido una Carta de Nuestro Padre con ocasion de haber pasado del exam NBCC para psicoteraputos(!). ...

It is well known that sometimes Fr. Maciel would write letters after they were due or before they were due so we are still trying to figure out how this came to be. It could ultimately contribute to his canonization as Fr. Jonathan Walsh tells us from an undisclosed location in Mexico where he continues to guide misguided Mexican mommas having marriage troubles with the drug cartels and kidnapping...

Se sabe que el Padre Maciel a veces enviaba cartas antes de la fecha y otras veces despues de la fecha pero no sabemos como ha hecho para mandar esta carta de ultratumba...Podria tratarse de un milagro...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Statue of Limitations to be Removed for Pedophiliacs

According to a reporter at the NCRonline the English terriers and Welsh border collies bishops have requested that the Vaticano repeel the statue of limitations for pedofile attacks against children, minors and those under 18 as of their date of birth.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Deaconesses ordained for Legion of Christ

 Fr. Maciel does the Texas Two-Step with Pope JP II

The recent ordinations of Legion deaconesses has filled my heart with joy and my spirit excultics in God my Salvation Army I must say there are some very beautiful boys there -thank God Fr. Maciel the sexual predatorious is dead and gone before he got his claws into this new batch of hemophebophiles although I dare say some of them are pushing thirty or forty because of the gruel- ling training regime they have been subjected and objectified to on their way to the Big Step of sellybossy they have taken One Step at a Time is what they tell me at AA and I am sure these middle aged youth are fully aware of this during the final days up to ordination as Legion priest hoods.
Stay tuned for further updates as they make their way to the altar of sacrifice

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bene Greets Fr. Bunyon

Dear Friends in general and in particular Fr. Anthony Mammon who has now been retired to a backwater rub on either the west coast or the east coast wondering where my favorite Legionary can be during these hazardous days for the Legion and the superiors who are facing the Holy Inquisition under the pontificate of Benedict XVI -our names are almost the same as mine is short of Benedicta from the Latin for final blessing after Mass if you can still remember the Latin and or may be a supporter of the Bizantine Tridentine Missa in lingo latino from the First Vatican Council way back in day of 1870 if my memory serves me rightly but no I think I am wrong because the Tridentine comes from the Kind of Gum sold at Safeway and which contains no sugar and as I follow my flow of consciente it comes to me that the Tridentine Mass comes from the Council of Trent -where the phrase "trent coat" which English detectives always wear at least on Masterpiece Theatre comes from -see English spelling but I am getting my gum mixed up with my Church History the Council of Trent held centuries ago to stop the advance of Portestantism in Europe -this was before the European Common Market Economy

On a separate note, a totally different individual, Fr. Bannon, LC.,s still working hard on vocations where he continues his selfless apostolate for the wellbeing of the Universal Church, without trying to siphon off the best looking guys for the Legion.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Public Awaiting with Baited and Breathless Breath the Publication

of my former soirees into the niceties of the English and Spanish language for adults over the age of 18 or therabouts because of the philosophical and philological nuances of my delicacies but soon it will be here fresh off the oven press to sate your thirst and hunger for justice truth beauty and goodness gracious me. For my part I am jumping at the bit and biting at the jump as i stand in my traces before this Grand National of a publication ready to shatter all the records for booksales in annals of animals and humans Seabiscuit included as this farce will take the biscuit.
Please brush up on your Spanish more than 101, your Irish English Spanish and Mexican sayings so you can fully enjoy the benefits of my scorching mind and loquacious tongue!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Fr. Maciel's Sexual Demands not Experienced by Legion Leadership!

Are those Fr. Maciel's sacred hands on the head of the ordinand?

"Don't you know how to do it?Leave me alone if you do not know how to alleviate my pain! Go away, you are useless to me!"

Legion Leaders are pleading Innocencia regarding the failings of the founder against the railings of liberals in the first place they knew nothing about his skullduggery and cannot be held irresponsble for his sins and Miss demeanors that have been splashed unceremoniously and without regard for his good name and that of his close relatives over the front pages of the sensationalistic press during the last year scandalizing innocent souls who do not want to hear any more about priests sexualistically abusing seminarians and nuns in Mexico, Spain, Rome, India and Indiana to mention just a smattering of places where these outages have taken place.

In their nuts shell they are saying they did not know what he was doing while he was doing what he was doing and therefore cannot be accused of pulling the sheets over his actions in bed with the seminarians or while he was enjoying his four intercourse meals with younger vulnerable and venerable Mexican victims of the female gender i dont think it mattered to him once there was some flesh on the bones...

The leadership also stated in an anonymous blog that they praised Fr. Maciel for not discriminating against his victims mostly but not exclusively white whether male or female rich or poor uncircumcised or Jew rough or Gentile as long as they got the job done. It is alleged however by unconfirmed sources that some of the leaders had fallen prey to Fr Maciel's wrath when they did not know how to service him properly:

"Don't you know how to do it?Leave me alone if you do not know how to alleviate my pain! Go away, you are useless to me!"

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fr. Owen Kearns falls on his sword for Legion

The Recent Declaration of UnRepentance from Fr. Owen Kearns, LC, PUBLISHER AND MANAGING EDITOR WITHOUT ANY QUALIFICATIONS of the National Catholic Register recommended reading for all REGNUM CHRISTI members coming clean about his calumny, detraction and other Crimes and Misdemeanors -see the Woody Allen film- has laid my mind to bedrest because we now know there are two bad guys in the Legion and Fr. Owen is taking the rap as in being the fall out guy to take the slings and arrows of outrageous readers who want to get their claws into any Legionary that will show his face outside the castle drawbridge in the middle of this de-battle of Sex, Lies and Videotape -another good movie

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bene relieved to know it was all Fr Maciel's fault

The Pedo-Phile Marcial Maciel Degollando

Bene was very happy to relieve herself after learning from the recent communicado in sacris that Fr. Maciel, Nuestor Padre, Mon Pere, Superior General ad vitam, Spiritual Director ad mortem was the soul culprit for all the evils levelled at the Legion and its Regnum Christi New Religious Movement and the latter are completely Innocent and Without Sin as the prophet Isaiah said somewhere because he did say a lot of things when he was inspired like Fr Maciel was when he wrote the constipations of the Legion when he was evidently inspired by the Holy Spirit and given a Charisma between boy and boy and one morphine shot and another...I will leave the rest to your imagination

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Filthy Media attempt to Smear Pope with German excrement

Pope JP II courted by Fr. Maciel while alter boys smirk in the background. This photo is not the smear campaign referred to below

Because I have been so busy building a new church for the missionaries of Jesus of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Immaculate Saint Therese of Lise-aux and Saint John Vivianne this blog has been neglected and fallen into disrepute as you have probably noticed. Tonight I am here to set the record straight in this regard and draw your attention to the scurrilous and sacrilegious action of certain media that want to tar the Holy Father with the feathers of scandal so aptly described by that nummerary of catholic thought (control) Fr New House may he rest in one peace who was as is well known a stanchion defender of Fr. Maciel the " pedo -a very bad word in Spanish I am told by my handlers-  file" priest. As I was saying we are now learning that also German priests had been violating miners and that is now being brought to our attention as vigilante Christians that this was not just an American Continent - or rather incontinent - problem and the ever scandal mongering Medea has been saying that His Holiness did not do enough to clean out the filth he talked about before becoming pope when he was archduke of Munich in Germany and that he had swept it under the carpet at his episcopalian palace in the Bavarian Alps where he ha been appointed by his soon to be canonized forerunner John Paul II I love you. It is all-edged that he too did not take the proper measures of the pedophiliac priest who defiled choir boys for years and transferred him to a convent of the German Shepherds order. The Medea do not seem to have their information clear and have launched a smear campaign against the Pope without having their ducks in a row and so I personally hope they will be shown up soon for their poor reporting and rabble rousing and that any American outlets that feature this suedo item are clearly trying to bridge the gap between El  Presidente's healthy reform and the Boston Tea Parties launched by the opposition clearly a way of muddying the waters (of Boston Harbor here I am sharing an historical discursus with you in an effort to educate the public whose SOL scores have been gradually sinking to great depths of unanimity) I will stop here as I do not want to stretch or mix my metaphors and bewilder the reader with my mental dexterity.

Dedicated to my follower and special friend brother in arms who has encouraged me to publish the collection of these sermons along the lines of the great English preacher another New but not House who is on the way to sainthood for his Plain Parish Sermons

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Holy Father Reebox Dirty Irish Priests

The Holy Father Reeboxed the Dirty Irish Priests, not like my hero Fr. Antonio Banderas who is pure as the driven snow that we have experienced here on the East Coast and at Our Lady of Mount Seton Seminary in Baltimore dioceses where many a former Legionary seminarian or priest has sought refuge not always successfully previously but presently yes because the Archbishop OBrien is very "cult conscious" as it is said nowadays

Friday, February 12, 2010

Bene's New Legionary Poster Boy

I have been misinformed about a TV cleavage of the Legion of Christ Novitiate in Connecticut USA
and was overwhelmed at the sight of so many whilte or mostly white with the exception of the brown person from Venezuela with clean shaven faces impeccable hair styles smart clergy collars and jet black cassocks. The star of the show was a budding Robert Redford but Catholic and believing in the pope and Jesus and church of latter day saints spawned by Fr. Maciel's charism inspired by the Holy Spirit and approved by Holy Mother Church and Mother Angelica. My reseach team has been unable to find a updated photo of my new heart-throb and I have to use one of the many available of the Fox News Analyst and General Commentator, Fr. Jonathan Maurice Chevalier while my over paid and under worked staff finds the proper image

Friday, January 22, 2010

Has Fr. Bannon been Banned by the Legion?

Bene is presently very disgruntled by the lack of misinformation regarding her favorite Legionary Padray the suddenly relegated and MIA Father Anthony Bannon LC last known address Cheshire CaT. She would very much appree-see-ate any handouts regarding his wherabouts

Thursday, January 14, 2010

S.O.S. for Fr. Bannon, Bene's long time Solicitor

The Rev. Anthony Bannon -  last known address, Cheshire Ct. - in classic Legion Pious Padre Posture

Since her long running repartee with Fr. Bannon as the priest who always was sending her letters of sollicitation Bene has kept a warm place in her heart for this blustering and blundering Legionary who nevertheless has raised millions for his seminarians. Bene believes that her Irish Spanish Padray, unlike Rodney Dangerfield, deserves some credit for his long innings slogging away for the Legion and being the public face of their fundraising - before being replaced by the beguiling Jonathan Maurice Chevalier...

Friday, January 8, 2010

Bene in a Rush to replace Lush Lumbug!

it is rumored that Bene, the famous benefactress of extreme right wing Catholic Fifth Column, the Legion of Christ's Regnum Christi Party, is about to take on the mantle of Blush Rimbaud, the infamous and raucous pundit on Fox News Newtork and a member of the white blacklisters. Bene is already very involved with Mother Anjelica Houston's Divine Spark TV Meshwork where she specializes in Catholic fund and consciousness razing together with other good lookers such as Fr. Maurice Jonathan and William Michaels of the Millionaires of Christ.