in his private chambers at the Apostolic Annunciation in Washington, DC,
And not because I had refused to hand out marriage licences to contra-naturam or
because I had been abused by Catholic priests (well, only a little bit, and that did not qualify because it was by a nun Sister Mary Achinhead the foundress of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of the Holy Spirit Discalcified)
And not because I had just founded a new order splinter group from Fr. Maciel's Regnum Christi promoters of the Mysterious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, "Free at Last!"
And not because I am a staunch defender of Greek Un-Orthodox priestly celibassy
or because I organized the World Day of Families in Philadelphia to keep the masses going to mass
NO! it was because I was the mother of two sons, one an imprisoned Conscientious Objector against the war in Iraq Iran and Axles of Evil, the other a reservist who killed as many as he could in the line of duty currently hospitalized with PTSD at Veterans Administration....The Pope understands my Pain.