Who is Bene Factres?

Mrs. Malaprop meets Fr. Maciel in this very punny page for the Enlightened English speaker with a good command of Mexican and Legion/Regnum Christi life

Friday, October 25, 2013

Gandhi Wasn't such a Dandy

Gandhi exploited young women in his entourage

Just been scandalized by the posting by the blogger of note, fervent Legion of Christ father without children, irishmexican43 who has been known to promote the Christian Values espoused by the Consecrated Senoritas and Senoritos of the Rein-in Christy

The blogger quotes at length from a recent article of faith by an Indian or the Asian denomination different from Sister Kateri Hiawatha the new native saint who died at the the hands of IRAquois during the tracker period of American history before the white man had tamed the savages living in the woods without Tiger.

As as advanced Catholic lay woman who does not get laid I am thoroughly shocked by this article and may have to take the authoress to the Catholic Defamation League to have her mouth washed and her quill blunted with methods similar to those used by the CIA and its watermen.

I feel defiled by how the well intentioned actions of the holy emancipator of the Asian Indian people is so iniquitously interpreted by this Indian feminist hussy who is set on debunking the defunct leader of Non-Violence whom she says had his shadowy side a la Carl Gustav Young and his theory of the two sides of the moon or Eve as the case may be.

As I rip by garments without revealing too much a la Cyly Mire-Us or other garment malfunction I raise my voice to condemn this baseless calumny against such an august figure -although it is fall!- and call upon my thousands of readers to protest before their local Indian Embassy in a non violent way to force -peacefully- the author to eat her words.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Yes, Bene Factress is a Satire!


Thank you, friend, for finally getting it.

Bene says,
Sorry for being so supple.
I did not want to admit that my son, Romeo, had helped to publish me post-humorously. I kept it a dark secret in the secrecy of the confessional only my confessor, the Jesuit bishop -no not the new Pope- kept hidden in his bosom together with the confessional secrecy act that was professed by the Legionaries, especially by my own favorite padre, Fr. Antonio Banderass, during decades when he was under the influence of Saint Marshall E. Maciated by the private vow, vow of secrecy but not really rather a vow of charity never to criticize the actions of your superior being not even after death and being revealed to be an utter fraud -but I can't say this because I am still in Dante's Purgatorio and a fervent member of the Rice Crispies, consecrated to the 3rd degree as a widow living in chastitty and with a mantilla over my head blessed by pope John Paul II of happy memory thanks to the Papal Audience that Noo-s-throw Padre provided for me and my 90-year-old mother who was also incorporated into the Kingdom of benefactresses for the privilege of kissing his holy roman hands. How can people be so reckless as to erasure the fond memory of a man who did so much good for the Church, staffing it with cookie- cutter priests and especially feeding the poor in Latino Americano!