Who is Bene Factres?

Mrs. Malaprop meets Fr. Maciel in this very punny page for the Enlightened English speaker with a good command of Mexican and Legion/Regnum Christi life

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Bene Factress Reinserts herself after long High-Ate-Us

Bene Factress reinserts herself and explains long high-ate-us

See original bestseller

                                      Resultado de imagen para Mrs Malaprop

Dear Fans,
You will have been raking your brains over the past several moons because of my ausencia as they say in the language of Cervantes but now I am in a position to explain everything to your satisfaction the hiatus is all due to a herniatus in my left groin which suddenly appeared out of the blue one morning as I was practicing my Pontius Pilatus and up popped the weasel which scared the daylights out of this honorable widow who has not known man as the Bible says since the death of my dearly beloved Jose so it was certainly not a little snapper that was saying good morning to me.
I put myself in the hands of a female sturgeon because of my female condition not wanting to be touched by impure hands and involved in me too and I am glad I chose a medcine please note French word with impeccable credentials from the Sorbonne and from NIH near Washington DC home of the Grabber of Delicate Parts and she was able to pronounce a dial-knosis of free-mural hernia if you don’t mind which is important for women to know as it is inherent in our gender not to use the word hembra but as I was saying this was a femoral Herr-knee-ah and the position is different from the masculine gender to avoid the Spanish word varoom. But anyway it was a success and I am back in the saddle again without any discomfort and ready to hit the trail again with the posse.
Please excuse the explicit sexual constant in the above post.
!Hasta la vista babies! 

Friday, October 12, 2018

I am alive and well, Thank you very much

Dear Fans,
i want to explain in this posting why the long highateus from my previous posts.